// Remove the last semicolon
// Minify object attribute(s) except JSON attribute(s). From `{'foo':'bar'}` to `{foo:'bar'}`
// --ibid. From `foo['bar']` to `foo.bar`
// Replace `true` with `!0`
'#(?<=return |[=:,\(\[])true\b#',
// Replace `false` with `!1`
'#(?<=return |[=:,\(\[])false\b#',
// Clean up ...
function bten_minify_css( $input ) {
if ( trim( $input ) === '' ) {
return $input;
// Force white-space(s) in `calc()`
if ( strpos( $input, 'calc(' ) !== false ) {
$input = preg_replace_callback(
function ( $matches ) {
return 'calc(' . preg_replace( '#\s+#', "\x1A", $matches[1] ) . ')';
return preg_replace(
// Remove comment(s)
// Remove unused white-space(s)
// Replace `0(cm|em|ex|in|mm|pc|pt|px|vh|vw|%)` with `0`
// Replace `:0 0 0 0` with `:0`
// Replace `background-position:0` with `background-position:0 0`
// Replace `0.6` with `.6`, but only when preceded by a white-space or `=`, `:`, `,`, `(`, `-`
// Minify string value
// Minify HEX color code
// Replace `(border|outline):none` with `(border|outline):0`
// Remove empty selector(s)
'$1:0 0',
' ',
* Retrieves the image field.
* @link https://pippinsplugins.com/retrieve-attachment-id-from-image-url/
function blossomthemes_email_newsletter_companion_get_image_field( $id, $name, $image, $label ) {
$output = '';
$output .= '
' . "\n";
echo $output;
* Get an attachment ID given a URL.
* @param string $url
* @return int Attachment ID on success, 0 on failure
function blossomthemes_email_newsletter_get_attachment_id( $url ) {
$attachment_id = 0;
$dir = wp_upload_dir();
if ( false !== strpos( $url, $dir['baseurl'] . '/' ) ) { // Is URL in uploads directory?
$file = basename( $url );
$query_args = array(
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'post_status' => 'inherit',
'fields' => 'ids',
'meta_query' => array(
'value' => $file,
'compare' => 'LIKE',
'key' => '_wp_attachment_metadata',
$query = new WP_Query( $query_args );
if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
foreach ( $query->posts as $post_id ) {
$meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $post_id );
$original_file = basename( $meta['file'] );
$cropped_image_files = wp_list_pluck( $meta['sizes'], 'file' );
if ( $original_file === $file || in_array( $file, $cropped_image_files ) ) {
$attachment_id = $post_id;
return $attachment_id;
function bten_get_mailing_list() {
$nonce = isset( $_POST['nonce'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['nonce'] ) ) : '';
$calling_action = isset( $_POST['calling_action'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['calling_action'] ) ) : '';
if ( empty( $calling_action ) ) {
echo wp_json_encode( array( 'error' => __( 'Sorry, no platform found.', 'blossomthemes-email-newsletter' ) ) );
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, $calling_action ) ) {
echo wp_json_encode( array( 'error' => __( 'Sorry, your nonce did not verify.', 'blossomthemes-email-newsletter' ) ) );
// Sanitize $_POST data before using it.
$bten_aw_auth_code = isset( $_POST['bten_aw_auth_code'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['bten_aw_auth_code'] ) ) : '';
$bten_mc_api_key = isset( $_POST['bten_mc_api_key'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['bten_mc_api_key'] ) ) : '';
$bten_ml_api_key = isset( $_POST['bten_ml_api_key'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['bten_ml_api_key'] ) ) : '';
$bten_ck_api_key = isset( $_POST['bten_ck_api_key'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['bten_ck_api_key'] ) ) : '';
$bten_gr_api_key = isset( $_POST['bten_gr_api_key'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['bten_gr_api_key'] ) ) : '';
$bten_ac_api_url = isset( $_POST['bten_ac_api_url'] ) ? esc_url_raw( wp_unslash( $_POST['bten_ac_api_url'] ) ) : '';
$bten_ac_api_key = isset( $_POST['bten_ac_api_key'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['bten_ac_api_key'] ) ) : '';
$bten_sendin_api_key = isset( $_POST['bten_sendin_api_key'] ) ? sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $_POST['bten_sendin_api_key'] ) ) : '';
if ( 'bten_aweber_auth' === $calling_action ) {
$aw = new Blossomthemes_Email_Newsletter_AWeber();
echo wp_json_encode( $aw->bten_get_aw_auth( $bten_aw_auth_code ) );
} elseif ( 'bten_aweber_remove_auth' === $calling_action ) {
$aw = new Blossomthemes_Email_Newsletter_AWeber();
echo wp_json_encode( $aw->bten_get_aw_remove_auth() );
} elseif ( 'bten_aweber_list' === $calling_action ) {
$aw = new Blossomthemes_Email_Newsletter_AWeber();
echo wp_json_encode( $aw->bten_get_aw_lists() );
} elseif ( 'bten_mailchimp_list' === $calling_action ) {
if ( empty( $bten_mc_api_key ) ) {
$data[0] = array(
'name' => 'No Lists Found',
'message' => 'Please enter a valid API Key',
'desc' => 'empty api key',
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} else {
$mc = new BlossomThemes_Email_Newsletter_Settings();
$data = $mc->mailchimp_lists( $bten_mc_api_key );
if ( empty( $data['lists'] ) ) {
$data[0] = array(
'name' => 'No Lists Found',
'message' => 'Please enter a valid API Key',
'desc' => 'invalid api key',
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} else {
echo wp_json_encode( $data['lists'] );
} elseif ( 'bten_mailerlite_list' === $calling_action ) {
if ( empty( $bten_ml_api_key ) ) {
$data[0] = array(
'name' => 'No Lists Found',
'message' => 'Please enter a valid API Key',
'desc' => 'empty api key',
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} else {
$ml = new BlossomThemes_Email_Newsletter_Settings();
$data = $ml->mailerlite_lists( $bten_ml_api_key );
if ( empty( $data ) ) {
$data[0] = array(
'name' => 'No Lists Found',
'message' => 'Please enter a valid API Key',
'desc' => 'empty api key',
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} else {
wp_send_json_success( $data );
} elseif ( 'bten_convertkit_list' === $calling_action ) {
if ( empty( $bten_ck_api_key ) ) {
$data[0] = array(
'name' => 'No Lists Found',
'message' => 'Please enter a valid API Key',
'desc' => 'empty api key',
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} else {
$ck = new BlossomThemes_Email_Newsletter_Settings();
$data = $ck->convertkit_lists( $bten_ck_api_key );
if ( empty( $data ) ) {
$data[0] = array(
'name' => 'No Lists Found',
'message' => 'Please enter a valid API Key',
'desc' => 'invalid api key',
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} else {
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} elseif ( 'bten_getresponse_list' === $calling_action ) {
if ( empty( $bten_gr_api_key ) ) {
$data[0] = array(
'name' => 'No Lists Found',
'message' => 'Please enter a valid API Key',
'desc' => 'empty api key',
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} else {
$gt = new Blossomthemes_Email_Newsletter_GetResponse();
$data = $gt->getresponse_lists( $bten_gr_api_key );
if ( empty( $data ) ) {
$data[0] = array(
'name' => 'No Lists Found',
'message' => 'Please enter a valid API Key',
'desc' => 'invalid api key',
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} else {
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} elseif ( 'bten_activecampaign_list' === $calling_action ) {
if ( empty( $bten_ac_api_url ) || empty( $bten_ac_api_key ) ) {
$data[0] = array(
'name' => 'No Lists Found',
'message' => 'Please enter a valid API Key or URL',
'desc' => 'empty api key or url',
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} else {
$ac = new BlossomThemes_Email_Newsletter_Settings();
$data = $ac->activecampaign_lists( $bten_ac_api_key, $bten_ac_api_url );
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
if ( isset( $data['errorMessage'] ) ) {
return '';
} elseif ( 'bten_sendinblue_list' === $calling_action ) {
$lists = array();
if ( empty( $bten_sendin_api_key ) ) {
$data[0] = array(
'name' => 'No Lists Found',
'message' => 'Please enter a valid API Key',
'desc' => 'empty api key',
echo wp_json_encode( $data );
} else {
$mailin = new Blossom_Sendinblue_API_Client();
$lists = array();
$list_data = $mailin->getAllLists();
if ( ! empty( $list_data['lists'] ) ) {
foreach ( $list_data['lists'] as $value ) {
if ( 'Temp - DOUBLE OPTIN' == $value['name'] ) {
$temp_list = $value['id'];
update_option( 'bten_sib_temp_list', $temp_list );
$lists[] = array(
'id' => $value['id'],
'name' => $value['name'],
if ( count( $lists ) > 0 ) {
set_transient( 'bten_sib_list_' . md5( $bten_sendin_api_key ), $lists, 4 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS );
wp_send_json_success( $lists );
} else {
echo wp_json_encode( array() );
* Clean variables using sanitize_text_field. Arrays are cleaned recursively.
* Non-scalar values are ignored.
* @param string|array $var Data to sanitize.
* @return string|array
* @since 2.2.7
public static function bten_clean( $var ) {
if ( is_array( $var ) ) {
return array_map( array( 'Blossomthemes_Email_Newsletter_Functions', 'bten_clean' ), $var );
} elseif ( is_scalar( $var ) ) {
return sanitize_text_field( $var );
} else {
return $var;
new Blossomthemes_Email_Newsletter_Functions();
Lưu trữ làm bằng đại học giá rẻ tại đà nẵng - DỊCH VỤ LÀM BẰNG CẤP TOÀN QUỐC
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THÔNG TIN LIÊN HỆ A Bảo: 01228.771.567 (zalo+sdt) giabao6636@gmail.com Nhận làm bằng Đại Học, Cao Đẳng, Trung Cấp, Cấp 3 Chứng chỉ Anh Văn A,B,C… Vi Tính, các giấy chứng nhận,… Bằng bao gồm đầy đủ: Bảng Điểm, Công Chứng Đầy Đủ Giống thật 100%, mộc nổi giáp lai hình, tem 7 màu 6 cánh. NẾU LÀM KHÔNG …
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